Thursday, January 10, 2019

How to Incorporate Web Design Into Your Marketing Strategy

How Web Design Helps Your Business - Sonoma County Web Design

There’s no question about it, web design is vital to the success of your digital marketing strategy. As a small business owner, design is probably not the reason you went into business. That doesn’t mean you can get away with an ugly, directionless website these days though.

When you work with a web designer, you can get the best of both worlds. You can have confidence you brand’s vision is being communicated well, plus you don’t have to get your hands dirty in design. With eCommerce leading our shopping experiences and everyone deferring to Google to find answers to their problems, excellent web design can set you apart from your competition.

Whether you choose to roll up your sleeves and tackle your website on your own, or you hire a web designer to take the weight of your shoulders, use these tips to make sure you’re web design is on the right track.

Strategize the First Impression

Users are bombarded by content all day long, so if your web design is subpar, your chance to convert that user is probably squashed. Work with a web designer to strategize first impressions from all directions. This is important because users won’t always go straight to the home page. Sometimes they will experience your brand for the first time on a blog post, landing page, free downloadable, or social media post. All these are web design opportunities that can leave a lasting impression.

Design the User’s Path Through The Site

Great web design involves mapping out your website so users have a primary pathway through the site. This pathway can change based on marketing goals, or you could have users self-categorize (men’s apparel or women’s apparel) so you have more opportunities to create a more personal digital experience.

A “path” simply means the way users move through the site. Users may start on the home page, a blog, or a landing page, and from there it should be clear where they should click next. The end of the path usually leads to a call to action (download, shop, call, etc.).

Be Consistent

Consistency is arguably the most important component in web design. Why? Because it leads to brand recognition. When you consistently use the same color palette, themes, shapes, and overall feel in your web design, your audience understands what to expect and can start to develop a relationship to it. The goal is to get your audience to identify with the brand, but if the web design is always changing, users don’t know how to engage with it.

Hire a Professional Web Designer

A great web designer can single-handedly increase revenue for a small business. That’s how important web design is for the customer experience. Web designers help you interpret and communicate your brand vision in a way that is attractive to potential customers. You can partner with your web designer to identify the key marketing goals for a given period, and then create fresh solutions for attracting customers based on these goals.

Having a professional web designer on your side can do wonders for your business. At K2 Sonoma County web design, we have helped small businesses increase their revenue and establish brand recognition through consistent, high-quality web design. I you’re looking for better results with your online marketing, contact K2 Sonoma County web design to see how we can help you this year.

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