Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Sleekest Web Design Trends of 2019 - K2 Santa Rosa Web Design

A new year means fresh web design trends to drool over. Here at K2 Santa Rosa Web Design, we’re excited to experiment with new trends this year. We are always aiming to improve our web design and SEO skills so we can offer you the best possible services available for Santa Rosa web design.

Check out these web design trends you’re bound to see everywhere in 2019.


The purpose of micro-interactions is to delight the user and connect with them in a human way. You may have experienced this with any small actions you take on a website: refreshing the page, hovering over an image, or even seeing the notification number on your social media. These all count as micro-interactions.

Glitch Graphics
We have an interesting relationship with technology right now. We don’t know what we would do without it, but we also don’t want it to take over. This relationship is most symbolically represented in glitch graphics -- or design that illustrates static, flashes of light, and other inconsistencies that tell us when something is wrong with our tech.

Black-and-White Palettes

Color plays a huge role in the way we see the world, both biologically and emotionally. For a website, color helps to determine the look and feel of a brand, so when we remove color, we are forced to look at the images and shapes in a new way.

Black-and-white web design palettes ask the viewer to slow down and soak in the visuals. White represents clean and orderly while black represents assertiveness and strength. Together they create a balance that is timelessly beautiful.

This doesn’t mean web designers can’t use color. Choose one accent brand color that pairs well with black and white to provide more dimension and sophistication.

Natural and Organic Design Inspiration

Web design has come a long way since its sharp, grid-like beginnings. As the digital sphere continues to become a natural “place” for people to hang out, there are more natural, soft, and rounded design elements trending. Web designers are choosing shapes that demonstrate comfort, leisure, and approach ability.

Interestingly enough, web designers are taking inspiration from nature: asymmetrical lines and soft palettes that remind us of plants, trees, clouds, and petals.

More Video

Google has recently made some changes to their search engine results algorithms (surprise, surprise). This time, they have mixed the search results to include more video. This is an inadvertent recommendation for businesses to produce more video content so they are more easily found on Google. That’s right, video content is now necessary for your SEO strategy and rankings.

In addition to the SEO benefits, video content also adds diversity and energy to your web pages.

Serifs Have Made It To The Screen - It has always been the “rule” that serifs were used in print, while sans-serifs were used on screen. Of course, great designers break the rules after following them for too long, meaning the serif rule is no longer gold-standard.

While sans-serif fonts will continue to dominate for long form body copy, serif fonts are taking over in headlines, call outs and calls to action. This is because serif fonts are decorative by design, so they stand out more than sans-serif fonts.

Mobile-Friendly Navigation

More and more people perform all their web browsing on a mobile device, so it is crucial that businesses call on web designers to make sure their website is mobile-friendly. This includes that ability for people to navigate through the mobile version of your site easily with their thumb. Pay attention to navigation bars, video content, and pages with lots of text.

Update Your Website With K2 Santa Rosa Web Design

Your website is your digital home, so why not make it beautiful this year? Contact K2 Santa Rosa Website Design to improve the look and feel of your website. We can also update the back end with fresh SEO as well.


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